Sun-tzu, The Art of War

“Master Sun said:

The Skillful Warrior
            The potential energy;
            He does not hold his men
He deploys his men
            To their best
            But relies on
            The potential energy.

Relying on the energy,
            He sends his men into battle
            Like a man
            Rolling logs or boulders.
            By their nature,
            On level ground
            Logs and boulders
            Stay still;
            On steep ground
            They move;
            Square, they halt;
            Round, they roll.
            Skillfully deployed soldiers
            Are like round boulders
            Rolling down
            A mighty mountainside.

These are all matters
            Of potential energy.”

TRANSLATION: in examinations, do not forget the first rule of answering questions, tackle the easy ones first! Always ensure that you go through the questions before hurrying to provide answers. Going over the questions helps to restore confidence and diminish exam tension, hence, your round soldiers are deployed and your answer script becomes a mighty mountainside.

We’ve come to the end of the first series on the blog; ‘MED SCHOOL IS WAR’. Hope the analogies have been simple enough and relatable.

The Art of War is a great read, reading this book, I’ve come to discover that any challenge we face today in the various facets of life, can be addressed using some of the basic principles/art of waging war.

“Offering ancient wisdom on how to use skill, cunning, tactics and discipline to outwit your opponent,
this 2000-year-old military manual is still worshipped by soldiers on the battlefield and managers in the boardroom as the ultimate guide to winning.” – PENGUIN BOOKS

Author: Jayjeystic

Igbo girl, blogging about personal topics. Passionate about Health, Storytelling, Education, Mentoring, The Environment and Nigerian Culture (music, literature, fashion, film, cuisine, government).

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